Meet The Staff – Anick Chiasson

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Meet The Staff – Anick Chiasson

News, Our Team

2 March 2020 | Published by

Anick has many experiences in accounting, in different industries, from insurances to construction, including collaborations with many professionals such as certified accountants and lawyers. In the accounting team at Calefactio, some of her tasks include cashflow management, month end/year end accounding and payable accounts. She sees herselfh in the company’s dynamism, rallies to its vision and appreciate the feeling to concretely participate in its success. She brings to the team her contagious good humor and we are considering naming her officially responsible of brithdays as she kindly never let one pass withtout pointing it out.



She likes  Her family


She hates  Cold (good for us that we are moslty into heating!)


Something we didn’t know about her  She is being chased by curling stones!

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